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Printmaking - Graduate
The graduate Printmaking program offers a full range of printmaking studio processes. The Printmaking area consists of nearly 4,000 square feet with dedicated studios for the processes of intaglio/relief, lithography, serigraphy and papermaking. In addition, studios that are available for use 24/7, graduate students in printmaking are assigned private studios near the printmaking area. The intaglio room has one small and two large etching presses, a Vandercook proofing press, attached acid/darkroom, large soaking sink, drying racks and flat file storage. Lithography is well served by two presses, graining sink and a good selection of approximately forty stones. Serigraphy is equipped with screens, a washout area with high pressure sprayer, a darkroom with large exposure unit, racks and individualized printing stations. The Papermaking studio has a 30-ton wet press, two drying presses and cabinet, Clark-Hollander beater, McDonald bast stamper, Hilger Vacuum table, and a number of vats and sheet forming molds.
Graduate students are encouraged to experiment with a variety of print process in order to refine aesthetic direction and focus. Mastery of process techniques and content, as evidenced by a professional-level final exhibition, is required at the conclusion of the student's graduate studies, and prepares the student for the next level of advancement in the professional world of the visual arts.